Preparing for your test

Hello my dear students,

You have continued working really hard during these days and we are going to take a second test. It is an opportunity for your amazing English to shine. The first test was a success, ready for this second chance? Here a clue on where to start!

1. Jobs and verb to be.
2. Talk about your job.

  • Is your job interesting/ boring?
  • Do you work in the morning/ in the evening/ at night? 
  • Do you work on the weekends?
  • How long are your holidays? 
  • Do you like your colleagues/ your schedule? 
  • What do you do?
3. Countries, continents and nationalities.
4. Report about a country: verb to be, adjectives, cardinal points...
5. Parts of the body (Do you still remember them?)
6. Numbers from 1-100.
7. Different farmers: read again the text.

Use your book, workbook and additional worksheets. You can also practice online, here a couple of links that may help you. Enjoy!

More numbers
Report about a country; examples
Memory nationalities
Body parts

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