Preparing for your test

Wondering what to study for the test on Wednesday? Here you will find a study guide that will help you!
  • Demonstrative adjectives these, this, that, those. You will find resources in other entries.
  • Possessive nouns, It’s Jim’s bag. 
  • Have and has. 
  • Vocabulary about personal possessions page 40. 
  • Electronic products page 44 and Prezi presentation online. 
  • Short and long i sounds (go to British Council online and watch the tutorials. Page 43) 
  • Shopping dialogues: how to sell and buy in a flea market. (you will find a model online, on our blog)
  •  Plurals. You have the Power Point presentation online, on our blog. Some other resources to practice plurals

Use our books, blog and additional worksheets. Enjoy the practice! 

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