Playing sports

Here you have what we did yesterday for the running dictation. 
Hope you enjoyed getting fit while learning about can and have to!

·        In ice skating you can / have to wear skates.

·        In soccer you have to / don’t have to touch the ball with your hands.

·        In diving you can / have to have an oxygen bottle.

·        In tennis you have to / can use a racket.

·        When you serve in tennis, the ball has to / can go over the net.

·        When you play tennis, you don’t have to / have to touch the net with the racket.

·        When you play basketball, you can/ have to bounce the ball to walk.

·        In running, you can/have to wear sneakers.

·        In golf, you can/have to have clubs.

·        In ski, you can/ have to use boots.

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