Study Guide Unit 5

Where should I start studying for my test?
 Here, you have some hints! Enjoy!

  • How to tell the time. You can use our Bang on Time game, to learn and have fun. Let's challenge yourself. 
  • How to talk about people's daily activities. Look at the Prezi presentation on our blog
  • How to talk about what you do at work. Page 56 in your books. 
  • Describing your job. You can use some vocabulary from our reading in page 58-59 and in the video, page 60 and 61. Get your own ideas. 
  • Simple present tense: Affirmative and negative sentences. Questions, answers and short answers. Go online and practice. Do you want to keep practicing? Here
  • Adverbs of frequency and time expressions. Word order. Look at our presentation. Go online and practice.

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